My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
by Dan Gutman
Essentially, this whole book is just one big bribe. When A.J. finds himself in the principal’s office for failure to complete his work and hurting a girl during a hockey game, he earns himself a chocolate bar. His friends immediately are jealous and place a tack on their teacher’s chair so that they too can go to the principal and get rewarded. The rest of the book consists of the principal performing more and more outlandish stunts in an effort to get the children to learn.
Again, I’m not thrilled with the basic premise that kids need bribery to enjoy school, but many kids do enjoy the crazy antics of the principal. I’m also hoping that at some point in the series some girls manage to be cool, because right now, they’re all crybabies, scaredy-cats and kiss ups. It may be in keeping with the average seven year old boy’s opinions, but it certainly does nothing for gender equality. The thing is, girls aren’t all crybabies, scaredy-cats and kiss ups and portraying them that way is degrading for girls and doesn’t do boys any favors either.
Sex, Nudity, Dating – None
Profanity – just plenty more “hate”, and some “dumb”
Death, Violence and Gore – The principal’s stunts get so out of hand that the students are worried that he’ll be killed and then they’ll have to feel guilty.
Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking – None
Frightening or Intense Things – None