Orwell’s Luck
by Richard W. Jennings
The narrator encounters an injured rabbit in her yard. Determined that he will survive, she takes him into her home and nurses him back to life. Although his back feet are paralyzed at first, the rabbit has quite an active life. In fact, it’s not long before the narrator suspects that Orwell is up to a lot more than anyone would believe. Whether it’s just strange coincidence, or this is one lucky rabbit, things begin to take some interesting turns.
This is a very unusual book. The style of writing and the storyline will be quite unfamiliar to most readers. I found it a little hard to stick with, but definitely intriguing. Because of the complexity of the situations in the book and the vocabulary I would recommend it for Grade 5 and up.
Sex, Nudity, Dating – The narrator gives a valentine to a boy. There’s a mention of rabbits starting families.
Profanity –”What in the Sam Hill?”
Death, Violence and Gore – A rabbit has likely been hit by a car. The narrator references terrorists. There are some concerns that the other household pets (a dog and a cat) may want to eat a rabbit. The rabbit bites the narrator (who then has vague worries about rabies, rabbit fever and tetanus). The narrator’s father speculates the rabbit has broken his back or pelvis and “is a goner.” Some frogs and goldfish freeze to death in the pond. A dog snatches and plans to eat the rabbit. The father points out that people eat rabbit. The newspaper has an article on people being killed by lightning and how many die from it each year. The narrator briefly mistakes a dead skunk for her rabbit. The father falls while painting and needs foot surgery involving bolts.
Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking – None.
Frightening or Intense Things – None.