Castle Waiting
by Linda Medley
I can honestly say I have never read anything like Castle Waiting. Epic in size, it’s a twisting winding tale which references many familiar fairy tales but also introduces unique characters and stories. Those hunting for a definite beginning and end will have a hard time finding them as the tale picks up characters, captivates you with their stories and then sets them back down again just as easily to move on to the next story. I would have to reread it to make sure I got all of the interconnections. But of course, it doesn’t really end. You have the definite sensation that the story is unfinished, and indeed it is, as there is another volume ready and waiting for those who are reluctant to leave the world of the castle.
Medley has created an exciting fantasy world with rich characters, many of which happen to be strong women and the people who appreciate them. The castle itself is a safe haven for all manner of human/beast combinations, bearded nuns, women avoiding evil husbands and men escaping from personal tragedy.
I would recommend this for teenagers based on its overall complexity and the improved reading experience that having a wealth of literary experience gives. Some tweens may be able to read it, but I would expect they would have experience reading comics or graphic novels and be widely read overall to get the most out of it (and of course, their parents would need to be okay with the content).
Racism and Discrimination – Gypsies are portrayed as thieves. A man who is unable to speak is called “dumb.”
Sex, Nudity, Dating – The king and queen cannot have a baby. They seek fertility charms. The queens rear shows during a bathing scene. A frog comments that he can see her heiney. A man with a wife is dallying with the miller’s daughter. The teenage princess and her handmaidens lament the lack of cute boys. There’s a kiss and a proposal. Some type of water sprite or demon makes kissy lips and asks for a kiss. Many of the fantasy creatures are naked above the waist. We see the partially uncovered rear of some type of sprite/creature. A woman has a baby (this occurs off-screen). A woman says the child’s father is dead, but her husband is not (the implication being that she’s not been faithful to her husband). There are arranged marriages. A horse-man type thing had his tail removed and mentions that the ladies really like it. Women discuss how sexy they are. A few women have crushes, this is shown with hearts. The Old Man of the Sea asks if people will bring someone by to go skinny dipping. A man is cheating on his wife. In a story within the story, sisters are married off to the same man. A couple kisses in multiple frames and will marry. A baby’s backside is exposed during a diaper change. A little girl is drawn nude, but you can’t see below her waist.
Profanity – “bull,” “shut up,” “hell,” “damn,” “@#$%*,” “God’s knees,” “heck,” “idiot,” “darn,” “cretin,”
Death, Violence and Gore – Skulls are drawn. There is also a creepy looking demon creature. A curse is put on the princess that says she will die if she pricks her finger on a spindle. There is blood when she pricks her finger. Princes die miserable deaths caught in the brambles. In a few places in the story, men brandish knives, with the intent to rob or injure. There’s a risk gypsies will kill someone accused of stealing. A man lost his son. A woman says her husband would kill her and her child if he found them. A woman’s mother died when she was younger. There is hitting, biting and hair pulling. There is a fist fight between children. A person is hanged; this is shown in illustration, but from the back, so we do not see the face. A girl’s parents died of “the fever.” Men attempt a robbery and carry a club and a crossbow. A man plans on killing a woman and leaving her body in the woods. It is suggested that he have her stuffed and put on display. A woman is crucified. A man was killed in a skirmish. A man is scratched by a lion. A man plans to drown a puppy. A lion nearly eats a puppy. A woman prays for a man’s death. A woman lost part of a finger in an accident. In one frame a battle scene is shown, complete with a stomach wounds and arrows and swords.
Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking – A woman orders a bottle of wine be brought for her. Someone asks for a stiff drink. A woman pours wine for men. Men drink ale. Wine is offered as a gift. People drink an alcoholic beverage called oatnog. A cake is made with oatnog and those that consume it are intoxicated. A man is drunk on ale.
Frightening or Intense Things – Gypsies plan to steal and sell a baby. Some children are sold.