The fact of the matter is that I see pretty much all gift giving opportunities as the right time for MORE BOOKS. Also, at not quite two, my little one is still way too small for chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chickens. So he’ll be getting an Easter basket full of books. It’s much heavier for the poor bunny, but it will outlast those candies for sure.
Need some fun book picks for your little one’s Easter basket?
Board books:
That’s Not My Bunny by Fiona Watts
I love this series for little ones, plenty to touch and feel as they try to find their bunny.
I’ll be honest, the push and pull tabs are a bit finicky, but since getting it last Easter, my son has kept it in constant rotation.
Mary had a Little Lamb by Parragon Books
The lamb peeping through the cover is a puppet and you’ll love watching your little one grab for it, kiss it and giggle.
Picture Books:
Wolfie the Bunny by Ame Dyckman
Trust me, this is THE book to have this spring. Wolfie is adorable, the text is sophisticated and funny enough to carry you through the multiple rereadings your child will insist upon. As an added bonus, my little one has nearly doubled his carrot intake since we first read the book. He says “Wolfie eata carrots!” and demands some of his own.
Any of
these 3 bunny books by Candace Fleming
You will be completely charmed by these infuriating flopears.
The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by Du Bose Heyward
Now this is a bunny who never gives up! Again and again, she’s told she can’t do something, but she is determined and proves to everyone just how much a mother bunny can achieve.
Links to Great Lists:
This week I’ve come across several lists of books that would Easter basket perfect. Check out these fantastic ideas!
Over at Story Snug, Catherine Friess has compiled a list of some of her favorite picture book bunnies! They are adorable.
Jill Bryan has compiled a list of absolutely beautiful books for Spring for Nerdy Book Club. You must look!
Great list of books about easter including some of my son’s favorites from The Petit Stag!
Are there any seasonal books you’ll be slipping in the basket this year?
Have you come across any other lists (or compiled one on your own blog) of Easter basket books? Feel free to share your link in the comments!