11 Birthdays

11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass is a cute story bound to appeal to young girls. On their 10th birthday, Amanda and her best friend Leo had a falling out. Now on the eve of their 11th, something or someone seems determined to push them together. The result is sort of a Groundhog Day for kids; each day they wake up to find it’s still their birthday. Amanda and Leo are forced to work together to break the spell and learn some valuable lessons about friendship and what things in life you can, and can’t, control.

Overall, there’s not much to worry about in this book. Strong readers will breeze through it, and even though it fell a bit flat for me, it’s the kind of thing that kids really enjoy. Another plus in my book is the strong friendship between Amanda and Leo without a hint of sexual tension. Boys and girls can be friends!

Age Recommendation: Grades 3-5 will enjoy this the most.

Sex, Nudity, Dating – There’s an older sister who’s interested in boys and flirts.
Profanity – One use of “heck”
Death, Violence and Gore – None
Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking – None
Frightening or Intense Things – None

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