Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet? by David Levithan

Elijah and Danny are separated by more than just their large age difference.  In fact, the brothers have trouble finding any common ground anymore.  In an effort to make their sons come together, their parents schedule them a bonding trip to Italy.  By the time they head home, their relationship has changed, but more because of the introspection on the part of Danny rather than because of any Italy induced fits of brotherly love.  There is a girl in the mix as well, Julia, whom they encounter while traveling.  Although I discovered this when looking for teen romances, I would say it holds up better as a travel book or book about sibling relationships.

Sex, Nudity, Dating – There’s prominent kissing, handholding and touching.  Sex occurs although off screen.  Porn is mentioned.  There is both nudity and mention of nipples in relationship to art.
Profanity – “damn,” “bitch/in'”
Death, Violence and Gore – Throughout the trip to Italy the brothers visit various Jewish landmarks, including the Jewish ghetto in Venice.  As part of the history of the place, the numerous deaths at concentration camps are mentioned.  A synagogue in another city is guarded by men with machine guns.  There’s a man with a head injury.  Someone is said to look like someone on their way to the gallows.  Danny ponders the dangerous nature of driving.
Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking – I would say this had a slightly higher than usual incidence of drugs.  There are references to dropping acid and copious mentions of pot/joints/dope/bong hits/other marijuana related words.
Frightening or Intense Things – They find swastika graffiti.

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