How Does Your Garden Grow?

Finally, the warm weather is here.  Well, here meaning the Mid-Atlantic part of the United States.  But even more than the warm weather, it’s the amazing abundance of growing things that is heralding the imminent arrival of summer.  It’s the lush green grass, the leafy trees swaying gently in the breeze, the bright pops of color in the flower beds and the juicy, ripe fruits and vegetables at the farmer’s market.  Of course, I personally can take no responsibility for any of these things as I have a remarkable ability to kill almost any plant in my care.  And while I do enjoy venturing out to enjoy the spoils of other people’s labor, my insect-free, allergen-free, screened in existence is sometimes a necessary alternative to the real-outdoors.  So whether summer is well on it’s way in your parts, or still a distant promise, join me as we travel through literary gardens.  We’ll see some topiary, pick some cotton down in Arkansas and ultimately learn the power a beautiful garden can hold.

What about you?  Are you a gardener?  How does your garden grow?

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