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Category Archives: Primary Grades
When Santa Fell to Earth
When Santa Fell To Earth by Cornelia Funke This is a completely adorable Christmas story. Niklaus Goodfellow, the last of the real Santas, has crash landed when his invisible reindeer ran off in search of marzipan. His caravan is now … Continue reading
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost, Illustrated by Susan Jeffers This is one of the most beautifully illustrated copies of a poem that you will ever find. There’s something about it that evokes the feeling of … Continue reading
Once Upon a Wintertime
Walt Disney’s Once Upon a Wintertime, A Little Golden Book by Tom Oreb I unearthed this in a box of old books that had once been my mother’s and remembered it from my own childhood. It’s terribly old-fashioned (something I … Continue reading
The Case of the Spooky Sleepover: A Jigsaw Jones Mystery (#4)
The Case of the Spooky Sleepover (Jigsaw Jones Mystery, # 4) by James Preller Like Encyclopedia Brown, Jigsaw has his own detective business. So when popular kid Ralphie has a problem, he turns to Jigsaw. An is Ralphie’s problem ever … Continue reading
Nate the Great on the Owl Express
Nate the Great on the Owl Express by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat & Mitchell Sharmat I’m afraid I needed a bit of a palate cleanser after reading You, so I went with Nate the Great. There are approximately 8 bajillion Nate … Continue reading
Clues in the Woods
Clues in the Woods (Liza, Bill & Jed Mysteries) by Peggy Parish This is the second book in the the series that begins with Key to the Treasure. Having solved one mystery, the children are anxious to solve another, and their … Continue reading
Chocolate Fever
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith Henry loves chocolate. His kind and over indulgent parents let him eat it for every meal, always. And so, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising when Henry is suddenly broken out in brown spots that … Continue reading
The Chocolate Touch
The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling John Midas loves chocolate above all else. One day he discovers a mysterious coin, and quickly thereafter, a previously unseen candy shop. Using the magic coin to buy chocolate (what else), John unwittingly … Continue reading
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl As I have admitted previously on this blog, I didn’t actually like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a child. And that’s even before I saw the Gene Wilder version of the … Continue reading
Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
Stink and The Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker by Megan McDonald This is definitely a book for the candy-minded. It starts in a candy store filled with all sorts of amazing treats. Stink’s sister Judy begs him to buy her some candy, … Continue reading